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Pascal/Delphi Source File  |  1988-05-12  |  1KB  |  42 lines

  1. Program ReadBios;
  2.    Type
  3.       Bios_Disk_Entry=Record
  4.          Cylinders:Integer;
  5.          Heads:Byte;
  6.          NU1:Integer;
  7.          Write_Pre:Integer;
  8.          NU2:Byte;
  9.          Control:Byte;
  10.          NU3:Array[1..3] of Byte;
  11.          Landing:Integer;
  12.          Sectors:Byte;
  13.          NU4:BYte;
  14.       End;
  15.    Var
  16.       HD_Bios:Array[1..44] of Bios_Disk_Entry absolute $e000:$e401;
  17.       I:Integer;
  18.    Begin
  19.    For I:=1 to 44 do
  20.       Begin
  21.       If I in [1,22,43] then
  22.          Begin
  23.          ClrScr;
  24.          Writeln(Form('## #####  #####  #####  ###  #####  ###',' #',
  25.                     ' Cyls','Heads','W-Pre','Ctl',' Land','Sec'));
  26.          Writeln('---------------------------------------');
  27.       End{If};
  28.       With HD_Bios[I] do
  29.          Begin
  30.          Writeln(Form('## #####  #####  #####  ###  #####  ###',I,Cylinders,
  31.                  Heads,Write_Pre,Control,Landing,Sectors));
  32.          If I in [21,42] then
  33.             Begin
  34.             Writeln('Press any key to see rest of table');
  35.             Repeat Until Keypressed;
  36.          End{If};
  37.       ENd{With};
  38.    End{For};
  39.    Writeln('Press any key to continue');
  40.    Repeat Until Keypressed;
  41. End.